Sunday 23 February 2014

C.L. Parker - A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet, #1)

I paid for this book (i noted alot of ARC reviews)
I paid more than i normally would for this book but i'd been sent an ARC of book 2 so i felt it only right to read book 1 first, i'm not disgruntled about paying the amount i did for it, it was a good book.
It was a little 50SOG in some parts such as the taking the virginity scene and some of the other sex scenes but the story line wasn't the same and it was more a hard love story than a kink story, two people that under any other circumstance meet and everything goes wrong for the pair, she's bratty and he's a hard ass, the problem is...she loves his ass literally, she's obsessed. When Noah finds out some background on Lanie he's overcome with so many emotions it's all too much and that leaves Lanie alone, very alone.
I can't wait for book two, i didn't find the sex scenes too extreme or over thought, the dialog didn't drag and there wasn't too much background story to bore us to death between pages, my only fault would be that for how selfless and thoughtful Lanie is to her family that she wouldn't in the 2-3 weeks the book covers have more contact or calls/texts from them.
Story : 4.5
Characters: 4.5
Cover: 5
TJ x

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Magda Alexander - Storm Ravaged (Storm Damages 2) (Storm Legacy)

Oh my God! I've never loved, read or stalked an author as much as I do this one :)
I was worried this book wouldn't hold up to the last one but I wasn't disappointed.
I had read book one several times and knew the story well so when this book was released I started it straight away, sadly apparently people and animals in our house want feeding at some point in the day so I put it down and then work got in the way and blah blah anyway I went two days without finishing it and boy did I need the rest in order to get ready for the last quarter of this book, the story in the first three quarters is full of twists, turns, love and heart break but the last quarter floored me! I think I may of stopped breathing at one point, alas the book had to come to an end and the author did it to us again, left us hanging on by a thread in wait of book three, I'll be reading this book again shortly as its one of those stories you never get bored of and I'd recommend it to anyone that wants more than just sex, marriage, the end.

Characters: 5
Story: 5
Cover: 5

TJ x