Saturday 24 August 2013

Sylvia day - Bared to You book 1 of 5

Over the last few months I've read this book around 6 times, sometimes on and off sometimes all the way through and twice with no breaks or interruptions just the total trilogy (back when it was just to be a trilogy)
I enjoyed this book just as much and maybe more than 50 shades, the two series are getting compared alot but i found i liked them both for different reasons, whilst 50 shades was and all round sadistic love story bared is not, it's a story of an on off, in out, round about relationship just like most people have had at some point in their lives, alot of people can related to having a best friend in toe when we've met that someone special and we've had emotional roller coasters with the loves of our lives, not everyone has entered a dungeon play room and been spanked before we've even met their let's not compare the two any further, if you enjoy one you'll enjoy the other but for different reasons.

I love, love , LOVE the fact that there was 3 books, then 4, now 5.....i'm honestly excited to read the story further and excited to learn what else is in store for these 2/3/4 main characters, i'm also excited at the prospect of hearing things from Gideon's point of view as opposed to Ava's but lets concentrated on book 1 rather than all 3 currently for sale.

I love Gideon because he's so fucked up if he just learnt to speak aloud they wouldn't have half the fallings out they do, i love Ava because while i can't put myself in her place due to the fact she's a blonde i can related to the up, down roller coaster of being in love and not knowing where you stand, I've also done the fluffy PJs and crawling in and out of bed when things go wrong, thankfully we both appear stronger for it :D

I love the chase that Gideon gives the readers....he doesn't just bed her, he does everything in his power to keep her, hold her and sounds like he may not take another breathe unless she's there, it's overall wonderful without the over the top sickly love stuff other books give you.

If you want a good read that exciting, a page turner and keeps you coming back for more i 100% recommended either booking the day off work or starting this during a work free period, i sat up until 5am to finish it and felt so rough the following day.

The overall story in book 1 was fun, exciting and shocking, i'll review book 2 at a later date as i'm midway through another book, I'd like to add that if you have read 50 shades 1,2 or 3 recently can i suggest finding a free novella or another story you have to hand to read before starting this book, whilst the stories are somewhere different i found myself waiting for characters from 50SOG to come into B2Y and found reading another story helped me forget the bold stories from one book to another.

This is my opinion, i'm a self-blogger, i don't read other people reviews, i don't get paid to review and i give my honest opinion, sadly without wanting to upset writers if i don't like their books and they read my blog they'll know but i hope they'd prefer honest opinions to make better reads in the future :D

Sunday 18 August 2013

This blog was made purely for my own purpose, if others want to read it then great but it's more of my opinions, views and thoughts on Erotic Novels, Novella's and the like I've read over the last 18 months.
While i'm not a big writer i Love! to read however sadly daily life gets in the way and from time to time i manage to put a book down and forget the story line or (shock alert!) i mix two books up and suddenly I've got 4 main characters all fighting to be center of the story with no end in sight, so here i can write reviews for my book friends to see (it may save you the time and money of reading something that's quite bad or point you in the direct of your next read) and somewhere i can jog my own memory.